Play, Learning, Arts, and Youth Lab

Jasmine Rose

Title: M.A. student

Groups: Current PHD and MA Students

Jasmine Rose is a second year MA student in the ADP program under the advisement of Dr. Goldstein. Jasmine’s broad interests surround the experiences of Black women; especially as they relate to gendered-racial identity development, racism, self-efficacy and other factors which influence Black womens’ life experiences. Her current work includes an investigation to the longitudinal experiences of Black women in education. Jasmine’s master’s thesis explores how Black women’s intersectional identity may act as a mechanism between academic self-efficacy and academic achievement. Jasmine participated in the Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program (MAOP) at Virginia Tech, where she completed and presented an independent research project focused on how religiousness mediated the relationship between adolescent substance use and socioeconomic status. She graduated with a BS in Psychology with Honors and a concentration in Health Psychology from GMU in 2021, where she also worked in the REACH lab.